Monday, September 28, 2009

District Service in Selah, WA

Saturday, September 26, 2009 United Apostolic Church Inc. visited Pastor Raymond Navarro in Selah, WA. We were delighted with the presence of brothers and sisters from our churches in Salem, OR and Medfor, OR . Pastor & Elder of our district Brother Moises Hernandez brought the message, a message of encouragement and power. We hope you were able to make it to this great service, but if you weren't make sure you don't miss out on our next district service that will take place soon. Visit our page soon for an update on the location of our next disctrict service. God Bless.

Here are some pictures of our District Service.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Website Updates!

As you might have already noticed, Iglesia del Alfarero has been updated with a new design as well as new features. Some of these are as follows:

1.Visit Us Module- this is on our frontpage and it allows the visitor to type in their address and it will create a map on how to get to our church.

2.Announcement Banner- this is also on our frontpage and it simply displays announcements of upcoming events.

3.Daily Bible Verse- This module simply displays a different verse every day, this is provided to us by

these are some of the updates, if you have any idea for our website, please feel free contact our webmaster at , or simply leave a comment on this blog.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Well, we hope you had a great time this holiday season. Iglesia del Alfarero had a New Year's Celebration at the church and received this new year with Worship, Food, Fun & Prayer. We believe that our Lord has given us another year of blessings but also another year to work for his sake.

Here at Iglesia del Alfarero we believe that God has the best in store for us. The best is yet to come. God promises that every year will be better and we strongly believe that. We invite you to  take this promise into your life and receive what God has in store for you and your family.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pastor's Day Review

This year Iglesia del Alfarero celebrated Pastor's Day at our local church. We had special guest, Sister Vianey Montiel, sing some songs in honor of our Pastor. Pastor Catarino L. Huizar and his family were thanked and appreciated for everything they do for our church.

Sister Laura Roman was the cook that night, and boy did she cook. It was a very delicious plate and we want to thank her and her family for all their hard work. Pastor was presented with gifts from all the departments in the church and also from the individuals within the church.

We hope that this year will be a great blessing to our pastor and that the Lord may keep giving him strenght to guide this church closer to God.

Thank You PASTOR!!
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Monday, November 17, 2008

Pastor's Day Celebration

Praise the Lord,

This saturday Iglesia del Alfarero will be celebrating Pastor's Day. I truly believe that Pastor Catarino Huizar works vigorously, often neglecting personal needs to give us comfort and direction. There is no doubt that God has placed him at Iglesia del Alfarero for one great purpose. We appreciate you Pastor Catarino Huizar. I encourage everyone to attend this celebration on Saturday, November 22nd, 2008.

Pastor's Day Celebration
@ 5:00pm
Iglesia del Alfarero
1111 S. Naches Ave. 
Yakima, WA 98901

$12.00 per plate